The Optical Co Eye Safety offers onsite eye testing for the convenience of our clients.
The our portable equipment allows us to conduct a comprehensive initial eye examination which consists of:
- Full refraction (to determine spectacle prescription)
- Tonometry (intraocular pressures)
- Ophthalmoscopy (internal health check)
- Slit lamp microscopy (external health check)
- Binocular vision assessment
- Trial of spectacle prescriptions
- Measurement of existing spectacles
Based on the results of the tests we can issue valid prescriptions, advise on the health of the eye and treatments for symptoms, or provide referrals to specialists for further assessment and care.
You can also have your eyes tested at one of our affiliated stores.
Visit the websites below for information regarding location and online booking.
Kevin Paisley Fashion Eyewear:
Stacey and Stacey Optometrist:
The Optical Co: